雖然11月份家中事情很多(大的生病接著小的生病…大的一直沒完全好, 老公又出差… 我基本上是閉關在家…), 我還是把這五章讀完了! (而且這五章內容特別多說!~:P)~ 說真的, 幸好有「Pride & Prejudice」, 讓我在這密集照顧病兒的一個月裡, 雖然足不出戶也能瞬間就穿越到19世紀初的英國, 讓我稍微喘息一下… :P 看來我跟邱吉爾是有志一同了~ XD (邱吉爾是領導英國參與二戰時, 讀「Pride & Prejudice」紓壓)
這幾章我寫的筆記落落長!~ 因為, 我跟廣大書迷們一樣好奇, 到底Lizzy是在哪個時間點愛上Darcy的呢?... 還有, 到底Lizzy是愛上Darcy本人, 還是愛上Pamberley?...
凱西媽 http://blog.yam.com/cathysheu/article/18830197
阿默 http://silence428.pixnet.net/blog/post/81923642
我覺得Chapter 43裡有好多Lizzy對Darcy產生異樣情愫、令我想畫線的句子. 以下依出現的先後順序標號:
1) They were all of them warm in their admiration; and at that moment she (Elizabeth) felt that to be mistress of Pemberley might be something!
2) (Elizabeth) recollecting herself -- "that could never be: my uncle and aunt would have been lost to me; I should not have been allowed to invite them."
This was a lucky recollection -- it saved her from something like regret.
3) (In the gallery) Elizabeth walked on in quest of the only face whose features would be known to her. At last it arrested her -- and she beheld a striking resemblance of Mr. Darcy, with such a smile over the face as she remembered to have sometimes seen when he looked at her. She stood several minutes before the picture in earnest contemplation…. There was certainly at this moment, in Elizabeth's mind, a more gentle sensation towards the original than she had ever felt in the height of their acquaintance…. as she stood before the canvas, on which he was represented, and fixed his eyes upon herself, she thought of his regard with a deeper sentiment of gratitude than it had ever raised before; she remembered its warmth, and softened its impropriety of expression.
4) She (Elizabeth) longed to know what at that moment was passing in his mind -- in what manner he thought of her, and whether, in defiance of everything, she was still dear to him.
5) (Lizzy的OS) Why is he so altered? From what can it proceed? It cannot be for me -- it cannot be for my sake that his manners are thus softened. My reproofs at Hunsford could not work such a change as this. It is impossible that he should still love me.
6) She (Elizabeth) immediately felt that whatever desire Miss Darcy might have of being acquainted with her must be the work of her brother, and, without looking farther, it was satisfactory; it was gratifying to know that his resentment had not made him think really ill of her.
坦白說, 我覺得在編號1)時, 也就是Lizzy遠眺Pamberley的景色時, 她就已經被打動了!... 於是在編號2)時, 她還設法讓自己恢復理智. 到了編號3)處, 也就是參觀Darcy家族Gallery、她與Darcy的畫像面對面時, 她已經愛上Darcy了(這兒與畫像對看的場景真是描寫得令人小鹿亂撞啊~ ^^)!...於是到了編號4)處, 她才會在意Darcy是否還愛著自己(若不愛Darcy, 她何必在意此事?), 而在編號5)及編號6)處, Lizzy開始上演內心小劇場…XD
所以!~ Lizzy真的是對Pamberley一見鍾情, 才180度態度大轉變愛上Darcy??... Lizzy是個看重房子的人??~~
哈哈…我個人的見解是, Lizzy是個看重自己的自尊心的人! 如之前所討論, Lizzy的自尊心(Both Pride & Vanity)也很多很大喔(詳見此)! 所以, 如她在Chapter 36中自我批判的: “vanity, not love, has been my folly. Pleased with the preference of one, and offended by the neglect of the other…”. 此外, 她又是個視覺系動物、凡事透過眼睛下判斷(詳見此). 所以, 光是聽口頭描述「年受入一萬磅」是不夠的, 要親眼見到年收一萬磅的人所住的豪宅才會有感~ XD. 所以, 說Lizzy愛豪宅/愛物質並不夠精確, 應該說, 像Pamberley這樣一棟不俗氣、有品味的豪宅serve了她的Vanity. 而這不俗氣的豪宅亦代表著他的男主人很有品味, 所以, 能被這樣的男主人所愛慕也serve了她的Vanity. 因為有Vanity所以有愛!~ XD
怎麼證明Lizzy不是愛豪宅/愛物質呢? 以下是我的自我假設題:
1. 如果Lizzy是先參觀了Pamberley, 然後才在舞會上被Darcy酸”not handsome enough to tempt me”, 那麼, 她還會愛上Darcy嗎?
大家的答案應該會跟我一樣吧! --> 不會! 所以, 要獲得Lizzy的愛, 關鍵不是Pamberley本身, 而是Lizzy的Pride & Vanity有沒有被滿足!~
2. 如果今天Lizzy是遇到一位租房子住的男子, 但男子把自己家整理得很有品味, 那麼Lizzy會不會愛上這位男子呢?
我的答案是會!~ 所以, 被一位有品味的男子追求, 這能serve Lizzy的Vanity、便能激發她的愛、尊敬、感激…等種種感覺. 至於男子是不是真的擁有巨大房產就不是Lizzy的重點了, 只要他的經濟能力足以結婚就夠了.
其實, Lizzy並不難追!~ 連Wickham都能讓Lizzy願意嫁給他呢 (Wickham只差在財力未達結婚的最低水平, 不然Lizzy會對他認真的)!~ Lizzy的罩門就在於她的Vanity. 男生只要能做出”追求她”的舉動, 並且, 男生是個體面的人的話(說話得體、有點品味、最好又是眾女生所矚目的焦點), 那麼, 她的自尊心獲得滿足, 就能獲得她的愛. 所以, 如果沒有大姊Jane, 而Bingley來追求Lizzy的話, 那麼Bingley也能成功的(只是Lizzy與Bingley姊妹會很不合拍)!~ 而如果Mr. Gardiner與Lizzy年紀相仿、沒有親戚關係、還是單身, 且追求Lizzy, 那麼Lizzy也會答應嫁給他, 而不會在意他是社會地位低的商人階級.
讀到這兒, 也許您會有疑問: 一般的女生不都是這樣嗎?...只要有男生追求, 而對方又說話得體、有品味, 且經濟能力足以結婚, 女生不都會願意與對方交往嗎?...
不是啊!~ 當然不是!~ 有的時候, 對方一切都很好, 也來追求妳, 不代表妳就會愛上他呀! (這就是所謂的「發好人卡」的狀況吧) 所以, 不是所有女生都跟Lizzy一樣的… 不過, 我忍不住也會想, 在19世紀的英國, 女孩子是否有機會對男士「發好人卡」呢?... 那時女孩子的出路幾乎只有婚姻一途. 所以, 如果有一位說話得體、有品味、經濟能力足以結婚的男士來追求, 會有女生敢用”對他沒什麼感覺”來拒絕人家的求婚嗎?... 恐怕會被周圍的人罵翻天吧!... 嗯!~ 想想還是慶幸活在現代啊… XP
(華納碎碎念: 身為多年的Lizzy迷(是的! 從小學五六年級到現在, 會喜歡「傲慢與偏見」, 不就是因為還蠻欣賞Lizzy的個性?), 如今鑽研字裡行間, 發現她是一個自尊心如此之強的女孩, 她對伴侶的要求就是要尊重她、給她面子, 有自尊才有愛! 說白了, 她最愛、最Care的, 是她自己/自尊!~ 這實在是蠻令我震驚的發現!~ @@ 可是, 我不得不承認這個發現…因為那句”to be mistress of Pemberley might be something”實在太耐人尋味!~ 她在未發現Darcy行止上的轉變之前, 光是看Pamberley一眼, 就動搖了她對Darcy的態度, 這點實在太令人匪夷所思了… 不過, 沒有人是完美的呀, 包括Lizzy也是有她的陰暗面, 這就是人性! 哎~ 我忍不住想, 也許這反映了珍自己的個性!... 珍也許就是因為自尊心很強, 最後選擇終身不婚, 因為在Tom Lefroy之後, 她沒有找到那位可以serve她的自尊、激發她的愛情的對象? … (BTW, 突然發現, 珍也可以適用這個日劇名: 「我不是結不了婚 只是不想」XD) )
(1/4 再補充: 由於珍奧斯汀小姐用字嚴謹、講求精準, 對她而言, Pride & Vanity是兩個不同意義的字(雖然一般人常常認為兩字意義相同…), 所以, 我的上文也盡量將Lizzy的”Pride” & “Vanity”分開… P.S. Lizzy是有”Pride”也有”Vanity”, 至於Darcy則是”Pride Only”. XD
珍奧斯汀將自己對於”Pride” & “Vanity”兩字的理解, 透過Chapter 5 Mary的談話表達: "Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us. " (“虛榮與驕傲是不同的兩件事,雖然這兩個字經常被等同使用。人可以驕傲卻不虛榮。驕傲比較指的是我們對自己的看法,而虛榮則是我們想要別人如何看待我們。”)
關於”Vanity”, 中文翻譯成”虛榮”, 一般常與”貪戀浮名與富貴”聯想在一起. 但我認為, 只要內心想要”顯得高人一等”(不論是在任何方面), 那麼恐怕就是在前往”虛榮”的路上了! 所以, Lizzy喜歡被體面的人追求, 因為這樣顯得高人一等, 這就是種”Vanity”. 至於珍自己, 我曾在「與達西先生共進晚餐」中(P108)讀到一段令人吃驚的話— 珍曾寫信給姐姐凱西說: “我會吃冰, 還有喝法國葡萄酒, 比普世俗眾更高一等” (??!!) 後來看了原文(見此: http://www.austenquotes.com/vulgar-economy/), 我想珍的原意是: “家裡的橙酒很快就會需要我們費心處理了. 但在此同時, 為了優雅、為了放鬆、為了享受, 我應該來吃點冰、喝點法國葡萄酒, 過得比一般鄉民更高級”. 她應該是在開玩笑 XD. 如果她真的想”be above vulgar economy”, 那麼也是有”Vanity”了! )
Lizzy與Lydia這對姊妹感覺天南地北, 但其實兩人的某些特質是很相近的!~ 只是Lydia的特質發展得太誇張, 以致於有失當的舉止… 兩人的相似點包括:
1. Vanity
在Chapter 46, Lizzy曾經評判Lydia "had wanted only encouragement to attach herself to anybody", 其實, 這與Lizzy自己的”Pleased with the preference of one, and offended by the neglect of the other”不是一樣的事情? 只是程度上的差別罷了. 因而, Lizzy與Lydia兩人都被Wickham蒙蔽而愛上Wickham.
2. Lively
在Chapter 47, Lizzy曾批判Lydia “nothing but love, flirtation, and officers have been in her head. She has been doing everything in her power, by thinking and talking on the subject, to give greater -- what shall I call it? susceptibility to her feelings; which are naturally lively enough” 然而, ”Lively”這個詞, 代表著”Playful, lighthearted, animated”(見「The Annotated Pride & Prejudice」P545, Note 14), 其實常常被用來形容Lizzy自己. 如「珍奧斯汀傳」所言(P242), “Lizzy充沛的精力—Lydia也一樣, 都來自母親 (Mrs. Bennet)”.
所以, 我覺得在Chapter 47, 當Lizzy與舅父母們討論Lydia到最後, 她心中應該會有些尷尬~ 像是Lizzy說: ”And we all know that Wickham has every charm of person and address that can captivate a woman."” --> 她自己就是那”a woman”!~ 然後, Lizzy又說: “Every girl in, or near Meryton, was out of her senses about him (Wickham) for the first two months; but he never distinguished her (Lydia) by any particular attention”--> Lizzy自己也是其中一位”out of her senses”的女孩呀~ 而且, Wickham當時never distinguished Lydia, 是因為Wickham當時distinguished Lizzy呀!~ XD 是不是挺糗的?
此外, 在Chapter 46的旁白描述也說了, “If the regard springing from such sources (gratitude and esteem) is unreasonable or unnatural, in comparison of what is so often described as arising on a first interview with its object, and even before two words have been exchanged -- nothing can be said in her (Lizzy’s) defence, except that she had given somewhat of a trial to the latter method in her partiality for Wickham, and that its ill success might, perhaps, authorize her to seek the other less interesting mode of attachment.” 這很清楚了, Lizzy當初確實愛過Wickham, 而且是第一次會面後就心動了. 這感情並不如她在Chapter 26寫信給舅媽時描述的那般雲淡風輕. 我真的覺得, 當Wickham與Lydia結婚後, Lizzy還要繼續與Wickham保持親戚關係, 實在是一種非常”不堪回首”的尷尬~
在Chapter 43~46, 珍針對Lizzy對Darcy的情感轉折, 還有好多細膩的描寫…包括:
1. Chapter 43最後, “Mr. Darcy handed the ladies into the carriage”
這細節的描寫好令人感到小鹿亂撞啊~ XD 忍不住想起少女時代, 心情常常會因為”那個喜歡的人看了我一眼、碰到我一下”這類的事情就無限放大、開心不已~ XD 在2005年版的電影「傲慢與偏見」, 導演也有特別highlight這個Darcy牽到Lizzy手的一幕~ *^_^*
2. Chapter 44, “She (Elizabeth) was quite amazed at her own discomposure; but amongst other causes of disquiet, she dreaded lest the partiality of the brother should have said too much in her favour; and, more than commonly anxious to please, she naturally suspected that every power of pleasing would fail her.”
Lizzy連去Rosings都沒緊張過, 這回要跟Darcy的妹妹Georgiana見面倒破天荒地坐立難安, 很怕自己不能在對方面前留下好印象!… 為什麼Lizzy如此在意Georgiana對自己的看法呢? 不就是因為已經愛上Darcy了嗎? ^^ 所以說真的, 本來男女主角到了這兒已經兩情相悅、可以打烊收工了 XD. 只是珍後面又加上了Wickham與Lydia的私奔轉折, 讓讀者再繼續為男女主角揪心下去…
3. Chapter 44, “She (Elizabeth) respected, she esteemed, she was grateful to him, she felt a real interest in his welfare; and she only wanted to know how far she wished that welfare to depend upon herself, and how far it would be for the happiness of both that she should employ the power, which her fancy told her she still possessed, of bringing on the renewal of his addresses.”、“Elizabeth was pleased; though when she asked herself the reason, she had very little to say in reply.”
Again, 這些句子都顯示Lizzy已經愛上Darcy, 但是她自己還不願承認呢!~ :P
4. Chapter 45, “While thus engaged, Elizabeth had a fair opportunity of deciding whether she most feared or wished for the appearance of Mr. Darcy, by the feelings which prevailed on his entering the room; and then, though but a moment before she had believed her wishes to predominate, she began to regret that he came.”
少女戀愛心的描寫再一發!~ 到底想見到他、還是不想見到他呢?... Lizzy的內心小劇場澎湃演出中…
5. Chapter 46, “It was, on the contrary, exactly calculated to make her (Elizabeth) understand her own wishes; and never had she so honestly felt that she could have loved him (Darcy), as now, when all love must be vain.”
從43章開頭愛苗迸發後一直走到46章, Lizzy終於願意承認自己愛上Darcy (可見她的Pride有多大~). 不知為何, 這兒讓我想起了周星馳: “曾經有一段真摯的愛情擺在我眼前,我沒有去珍惜…” XDXDXD
至於Darcy, 在這五章的描述中, 他簡直是老公界的極品了!!~ XD 最打動我心的一點是在Chapter 43中敘述到, Darcy特別為妹妹佈置了某間sitting-room、想讓她開心, 只因為注意到妹妹上回待在Pamberley時特別喜愛這個房間! 哇~ 對妹妹都如此貼心疼愛了, 肯定是很疼老婆的啊~ *^_^* 另外, 在Chapter 46, 當他得知Lizzy家發生家醜時, 他安慰Lizzy的話也深得我心: “Would to Heaven that anything could be either said or done on my part that might offer consolation to such distress! -- But I will not torment you with vain wishes, which may seem purposely to ask for your thanks.” 其實要得體地安慰別人真的很不容易, 有的時候很容易變得像在說一些空泛的話, 所以Darcy這樣的言語讓我覺得真誠、也很實在. 所以, Darcy真的是好老公人選! 之前向Lizzy求婚被拒, 實在是因為他在serve Lizzy的自尊心上犯了大忌—1) 沒有追人家!~ 至少, Lizzy完全沒有感受到!~ 2) 居然當著Lizzy的面酸她”not handsome enough to tempt me”!~ 根據Chapter 45 Miss Bingley的談話, Lizzy在Hertfordshire可也是reputed beauty (雖不及大姊Jane美麗, 但也許美貌排名第二?). 可想見, Lizzy對自己的外貌是有自信的, 平時expect也習慣受到男生的矚目與追求!~ 沒想到竟然有人嫌棄她的外貌, 真是踩到她的地雷啊!~ XD
1. 珍的幻想?
後人推測, 珍自己應該有旅遊過Derbyshire (「The Annotated Pride & Prejudice」, P463, Note 25). 我忍不住想, 那些Lizzy內心的念頭, 包括“be mistress of Pemberley might be something!”、”my uncle and aunt would have been lost to me; I should not have been allowed to invite them”…會不會是她自己參觀Chatsworth時的幻想? XD 所以, 連”若是當了這房子女主人, 就沒辦法與我那些社會階級較低的親戚們保持連絡了”這種細膩的念頭都能描寫出來…. :P
另外, 在Chapter 43當Lizzy參觀Pamberley的Gallery時, 她喜歡欣賞人物畫像勝過欣賞藝術畫, 這點也與珍自己一致! (The Annotated Pride & Prejudice」, P483, Note 46; 以及P21, Note 25), 難怪她曾在倫敦由哥哥亨利陪同參觀畫廊, 主要的目的是想找與心目中的大姊Jane與Lizzy神似的人物畫像!
2. 建築物與衣物的隱喻
Chapter 43裡, 珍運用了許多建築物的描述來隱喻主人的個性, 十分有意思! 像是, Pamberley主屋前的水流”The stream of some natural importance swelled into greater”象徵著Darcy膨漲了的驕傲, 但這水流”without any artificial appearance”代表了他個性坦誠不矯飾的一面, 因而這水岸/ Darcy的個性“neither formal, nor falsely adorned.” (詳見此網頁註釋)
還有, 當Lizzy一行人參觀Pamberley的不同房間時, “As they passed into other rooms these objects were taking different positions; but from every window there were beauties to be seen.”, 以及, 在Gallery時, “She (Elizabeth) stood several minutes before the picture in earnest contemplation, and returned to it again before they quitted the gallery”, 都象徵著Lizzy遇見Darcy, 然後分開再遇見, 從不同的角度觀看Darcy而發現不同的觀點.
在Chapter 47更妙了! Lydia私奔時留了封信給Mrs. Forster說: “I shall send for my clothes when I get to Longbourn; but I wish you would tell Sally (女傭的名字) to mend a great slit in my worked muslin gown before they are packed up.” 這件白色長禮服(muslin gown)上的大裂縫(a great slit), 象徵著Lydia的失去貞操, 以及這件事對她的名譽帶來了無可復原的傷害. (詳見此網頁註釋)
3. Mrs. Reynolds’“less fine”
Pamberley的管家 Mrs. Reynolds一出場時被形容為”less fine”, 代表著”less showy, less fancy”, 是一種稱讚!~ 這剛好與Chapter 9 Bingley姊妹們所雇用的女僕”elegant ladies”是個對比 (詳見「The Annotated Pride & Prejudice」, P477, Note 12, 以及P77, Note 3). 然而, 我卻聯想到了珍自己曾經被她姪女Fanny形容為”not so refined” (Fanny的原文可見此網頁第二段, 譯文可見「珍奧斯汀傳」P205). 這兒Fanny的”not so refined (優雅)”指的是taste, fashion, intercourse with people等面向… 哈! 實在挺諷刺的!… 因為珍就是不讚賞人在這些面向being showy, being fancy, 並在她的寫作中反映了此點. 然而從Fanny的角度, 珍放不下那些代表著”common-ness”(翻譯為”平庸”、”庸俗”、”普通人”?)的一切, 顯得構不上高尚社會的水準?!~ 當然珍迷對Fanny”忘恩負義”地批評自己的姑姑都非常生氣, 但到底事情的真相為何?...其實, 我覺得像Pamberley這種方式的優雅(低調謙虛、自然不矯飾的作風與品味)是珍讚賞的, 也是我自己贊同的! 不過, 也許就如「珍奧斯汀傳」P204~206所述(我的前文亦略有提及), 當珍到被有錢人收養的哥哥愛德華的家(也就是Fanny的家)小住時, 珍受到的待遇是”親切、沒有猜疑之心的, 但主人也毫不隱瞞他們紓尊降貴的優勢”. 從書中敘述看來, 珍在那兒所接觸的”肯特郡上層階級的女性”雖然出身不凡, 可是對書籍沒有太多涉獵與興趣, 言談間也沒有太多見解… 讓珍覺得”沒有一句話好說”. 但反過來, 在這些上層階級女性的眼裡, 珍的intercourse with people也許因此不夠親切得體, 而且珍在她們心目中就不是”自己人”, 而是愛德華的”窮親戚”... 說穿了就是文青遇上貴婦, 兩方不是同路人所以不太投緣?... 到底是文青優雅, 還是貴婦才算是優雅? 您說呢? ^^
4. 關於Darcy的一些新發現
這次讀原文, 才發現Chapter 43中有一些關於Darcy的細節都是之前讀中譯本時未注意到的!~ 包括:
1) Lizzy一行人參觀Gallery時, 發現家族成員畫像中, “Mr. Wickham's being among them”, 掛在老達西先生最喜愛的房間裡, 且擺設方式都與他生前一致. 這個細節可是大有寓意!~ 根據「The Annotated Pride & Prejudice」(P479, Note 27), Darcy 為了尊重已逝的父親, 即便Wickham對他與妹妹如此地差勁, 他仍願意將Wickham的畫像掛在父親房間裡, 只因為父親生前非常疼愛Wickham. 這代表著Darcy並沒有如Lizzy所指控地那般憎恨他人、永無平反的可能.
2) Darcy突然從馬廄走出來與Lizzy巧遇後, Lizzy OS: “it was plain that he (Darcy) was that moment arrived -- that moment alighted from his horse or his carriage.” 這代表Darcy的褲管應該有沾到路上濺起的泥濘, 所以Lizzy可以推測得出來他剛下馬或下馬車. 也因此, Darcy遇到Lizzy後短暫交談一下便需告退. 因為他必須先進屋清潔更衣! (詳見「The Annotated Pride & Prejudice」P487, Note 59).
3) 當Lizzy與Darcy finally在Pamberley的林園裡並肩散步談話時, Darcy對Lizzy提及, 妹妹Georgiana非常想認識她, 不知是否可以介紹她們兩人認識. 呵呵~ 在我小時候讀到此段時, 我完全沒有想太多. 現在看「The Annotated Pride & Prejudice」的註解(P497, Note 85), 才驚覺其實Darcy不太可能在求婚被拒後跟妹妹提到Lizzy, 所以”Georgiana非常想認識Lizzy”應該是Darcy禮貌上的藉口! XD 如顏九笙所言, 妹妹被拿來當作哥哥追求幸福的幌子! 哈哈~
5. 19世紀英國富人的日常
進入Pamberley後, 兩點我特別注意的地方有:
1) Gallery- express pride & inspire pride
根據「The Annotated Pride & Prejudice」(P479, Note 25), 當年有錢階級都會請畫家幫每代的主人們繪製畫像, 經年累月下來, 畫廊裡一整排的畫像代表著家族的悠久歷史與榮耀. 同時, 畫廊的存在能激發年輕一代的榮譽心、鼓勵他們仿效祖先們高貴的行止, 維護家族的名聲. 哈! 學到了! 我去Chatsworth參觀時, 確實看到滿滿的家族畫像! 不只在畫廊裡, 挑高的樓梯間牆上也是, 非常壯觀!~
2) Pyramid of fruits!~
當我讀到Chapter 45, “the beautiful pyramids of grapes, nectarines, and peaches soon collected them round the table”時, 實在是太開心!~ 我終於看到「與達西先生共進晚餐」一書中所描述的水果金字塔!~ 那可是當年非常時尚的水果盤擺設方式!~ 這兒有一位英國的珍迷回顧她在21歲生日時 為自己辦了一場Regency Party, 桌上就擺了水果金字塔!~ 很瘋狂吧!~ 我好佩服她! 人可以在Lizzy那年紀時過一場Regency Style的生日派對真是太美好了~ >< 可惜我早就過了這年紀啊啊啊~ (不管! 以後生日時來搞一下好了! 哇哈哈~ XD)
6. 難句解讀
Chapter 45裡關於Darcy瞞著Bingley家有關於Georgiana曾打算私奔的事, 有一句話我研究了好久…”and from all Bingley's connections her brother (her是Georgiana, 所以her brother就是Darcy) was particularly anxious to conceal it, from that very wish which Elizabeth had long ago attributed to him, of their becoming hereafter her own.” 什麼意思呢? 看了此網頁說明, 才理解原來本句最後的”her own”, 若還原成完整句, 後面應再加”connections”這個字, 也就是, Darcy wishes that Bingley’s connections become her (Georgiana) own connections. 而男生的connections要成為女生的connections, 基本上只有一個可能-- 結婚! 所以, 語意就是Darcy是希望Georgiana嫁給Bingley啦! (呼~ 好複雜的句子! XP)
Okie~ 本篇心得實在落落長! 竟然從月初寫到快月底了! @@ 先寫到這兒啦~ 趕快加緊腳步看下五章! (握拳~)